
If you are reading this you have taken the first step to making a Will!
Many people don’t have a Will because they think its too expensive, complicated, are nervous about doing it or don’t think they need one. But it is simpler and cheaper than you think with the help of Proctor Moore solicitors to make the process easy and painless. Proctor Moore makes the whole process quick and easy. A Will can be done in as little time as just 45 minutes!
Free, impartial discussion can be the first important step you take in drafting your Will and it is easier than you might think. A standard Will drafted by our expert solicitors is £250.00 including VAT.
This probably represents the best value for money you can get from any legal service. If complicated tax planning is required then different fees are applicable however the costs involved in sorting out badly worded or incorrect home-made Wills after your death could run into four figures (at least).
We provide a Will writing service in accordance with today’s legal requirements.
Our Wills operate worldwide because it covers all assets wherever situate.
We work to ensure the process is kept as convenient to you as possible.
We charge £250.00 (including VAT) per Will.
The process is as follows:
1. You attend the office for an initial consultation so that we can open a file and obtain your instructions.
2. When your instructions are obtained we will draft your Will for your approval.
3. Once you approve your Will we print a final version for execution i.e. signed by you before two witnesses.
4. After execution your Will is legally binding.
5. We offer to keep your original Will in our fire proof safe at no extra charge. Alternatively you can retain your original Will, however we do not store copy documents beyond 6 years.
Please feel free to telephone us should you have any questions.
Don’t risk it. Ensure that those closest to you are provided for and that your final wishes will be carried out by speaking to us today.