Dispute Resolution

Commercial litigation
Our firm has an extensive experience and background dealing with all types of commercial dispute.
Our firm is accredited with Higher Rights of Audience, which means that we are able to implement the right planning of action at the very start and represent you at all hearings.
All cases need to be established as a matter of fact and law and this requires consideration of the issues surrounding the case.
We deal with all commercial disputes e.g. company, business, banking, shareholder, partnership, consumer, retailer and professional disputes.
Legal costs vary on case by case basis, but can provide costing after initial consultation – Terms and conditions apply.
Property litigation
We also have vast experience dealing with property disputes and these sort of cases require careful planning.
Disputes regarding properties can involve neighbours and/or their land boundaries; mortgagors who have security on property and require possession; equity claim against share of property for contribution(s) made; insurance etc.
If you are in a dispute concerning your property, then we are able to assist.
Legal costs vary on case by case basis, but can provide costing after initial consultation – Terms and conditions apply.
If you or your company/business are in debt we can provide advice as to best way forward .
We can discuss matters with you to establish some clarity.
We can advise on debt consolidation, bankruptcy and insolvency.
We also advise creditors with regard to recovering debt from an individual or corporate entity.
Legal costs vary on case by case basis, but can provide costing after initial consultation – Terms and conditions apply.
We charge £250.00 (excluding VAT) for the first initial consultation, details of which were provided to you when your appointment was made to attend our offices. No advice will be provided in writing. We charge an additional £150.00 (excluding VAT) for receiving the advice provided during your consultation in writing.
If we are instructed further we estimate the following costs:
i. Our firm’s costs to be between £1,500.00 and £3,000.00 (excluding VAT) concerning debt of up to £10,000.00.
ii. Our firm’s costs to be between £3,000.00 and £7,500.00 (excluding VAT) concerning debt between £10,001.00 to £25,000.00.
iii. Our firm’s costs to be between £7,500.00 and £20,000.00 (excluding VAT) concerning debt between £25,001.00 to £50,000.00.
iv. Our firm’s costs to be between £20,000.00 and £35,000.00 (excluding VAT) concerning debt between £50,000.00 to £100,000.00.
v. Our firm’s costs to be between £35,000.00 to £75,000.00 ,000.00 (excluding VAT) concerning debt in excess of 100,000.00.vi. Disbursement such as court fees, expert’s fees other than Counsels fees can vary and depend on your matter. If you are a creditor and wish to issue proceedings for recovery of debt you can obtain up to date information from www.gov.uk. Disbursements can range between £250.00 to 20,000.00.
vii. Counsel’s fees depend can vary depending on how senior Counsel is and legal issues. The following is an illustrative guide with regard to Counsels fees, taking into account the amount of debt defended or claimed:- Debt amount up to 10,000.00: £1,500.00 and £3,000.00 (excluding VAT).
- Debt amount up to 25,000.00: £3,000.00 and £5,000.00 (excluding VAT)
- Debt amount up to 50,000.00: £5,000.00 and £7,500.00 (excluding VAT)
- Debt amount up to 100,000.00: £7,500.00 and £10,00.00 (excluding VAT)
- Debt amount in excess of £100,000: £10,000.00 and £15,000.00 (excluding VAT)
The above are estimates and can vary on a case by case basis and certainly how the case may progress.
Work carried out on your matter by our firm’s Mr Andreou will be based on the hourly rate of the caseworker at £250.00 per hour (exc VAT), letters sent are charged at £25.00 per letter, telephone calls no more than 6 minutes are charged at £25.00 per telephone call and letters received charged at £12.50 per letter.
Work carried out on your matter by our firm’s Solicitor will be based on the hourly rate of £160.00 per hour (exc VAT), letters sent are charged at £16.00 per letter, telephone calls no more than 6 minutes are charged at £16.00 per telephone call and letters received charged at £8.00 per letter.
Work carried out on your matter by our firm’s Paralegals/Trainee solicitors based on the hourly rate of £120.00 per hour (exc VAT), letters sent are charged at £12.00 per letter, telephone calls no more than 6 minutes are charged at £12.00 per telephone call and letters received charged at £6.00 per letter.
If this firm does not complete the work or the matter becomes abortive (for any reason whatsoever) we will charge you an abortive fee based on our hourly rate. The abortive fee will be equivalent to the work carried out by us but will not exceed the estimated quotation above.
In the event that this matter becomes unduly protracted we shall inform you of any cost changes at the appropriate time.
Our Staff: Work on your matter may be done by a mix of Solicitor(s), Paralegal(s) and experienced staff. Xen Andreou, solicitor since November 2003 and sole principal of this firm. Xen will have overall conduct and supervision of your matter who has had extensive experience in litigation matters and is a Higher Rights Advocate.
The likely time scale for your matter is made in consideration of the issues known to the caseworker. We also make comparisons to other cases of similar issues, however generally litigation can take between 8 – 24 months to resolve, depending on the issues, the court listing and whether or not the matter settles before trial.
Although we endeavour to provide you with a realistic time scale this is an estimate and can change. If we anticipate a change we shall let you know in writing. There are many factors out of our control but we assure you that we will try to resolve your matter as quickly as possible.
It is due process for you to enter into a retainer with our firm and further terms and conditions will apply, details of which will be included in a client care letter provided to you at the outset.
If you are owed money for service/goods rendered then we are happy to provide case plan to recover that money for you.
If you owe the money, we can advise as to what your rights are in relation to that claim.
We provide service for both debtor and creditor.
Legal costs vary on case by case basis, but can provide costing after initial consultation – Terms and conditions apply.
There are certain situations in litigation whereby an injunction is required and this can relate to money, property or a person.
A person may owe you money and you are aware that he/she has an asset to which they are attempting to dispose in order to avoid paying you. The term for this is a “freezing injunction”.
If you feel intimidated by a person’s conduct you can apply to court for injunction under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.
We can assess your needs and advise accordingly.
Legal costs vary on case by case basis, but can provide costing after initial consultation – Terms and conditions apply.